Monday, April 30, 2012

Not enough colours...

I realised that I do miss colours... I mean, it is beautiful here, but I just HAVE THIS CRAVE for colorful things: food, clothes, jewelery, accessorizes etc. SO, now I did spend shitloads on them: new coral clutch, new jackets, skirt, some earrings,  bracelets, fresh flowers and foooodddd!!! You can get different cakes, biscuits, tarts, vegetables and fruits- and they will make your life more colorful!!!

Like these ones:

Ok, back to work now- my e-mails are waiting for me:)))) I am not in a good mood today, so decided these pics might cheer me up!

Meeting with boss today...

Windows / Витринистика

У Moncler всегда интересные витрины, не замечали?

Sunday, April 29, 2012


сегодня проснулась  с идеей в голове, что мне нужна еще одна пара кед, о которой я давно думаю, она все попадается мне в online shopping на глаза и я пытаюсь пройти мимо нее... PRADA конечно, но мне стыдно, что у меня еще 6 коробок вещей иоих, а в том числе и кед хранится в за Лондооном в гараже у моего друга Билла, тут у меня хватает, и щас еще к родителям поеду перед командировками, кажись и там что- есть...

короче - мне кед мало не бывает- кикоооогггдддааааа. Главное знать с чем их носить и как носить. Тут в Санкт-Морице вообще на каблуках только ыечером в рестораны и out куда-нибудь, а так ве в шикарных балетках, мокассинах и кедах.

Я кстати вчера новые балетки одевала, все-таки это отличная обувь))) И вообще - не экономьте на обуви, ноги в старости дадут о себе знать, точно-точно! Мне мой босс в Лондоне так всегда говорила, смотря на мой 12 си кабдуков, а сама прогуливалась в мокаасинах Ferregamo or Prada.

That's me in Bath, UK last year -  guess that's where my love for ballet flats has started

That's my friend Kolya, is holding my foot showing everyone my sneakers... Lat year, back home in Riga. He is awesome - very simple, but stylish guy and he really knows what the REAL sneakers should look like!

2 weeks ago in Switzerland/Italy - I am chilling on the grass, while Swiss/Italian TV is making a documentary about my man and kayaking:))) These are my fav D&G's sneakers...

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I just met such an amazing young woman in the yard of our building:) She is Italian, they do owe the apartment here and we had an amazing chat for 40 mins... I supposed to read a book that i took outside to sit on the bench and enjoy the sun, but instead we just started to chit-chat and had great time knowing each other. Nice  to meet you, Arianna!

Italians are cool! for sure! I have an Italian boss, my colleagues and some friends - very simple, outgoing, loud and very open - like Russians:)))) Amo l'Italia!!!

Hope you are having great weekend, dudes and dudettes!

Tea for me now:) After some Chardonnay and chicken...ooopppsss

Friday, April 27, 2012


Мадамы!!!Check this out:)))))
I just decided to try something new - and here it is. Well this is just a first try, and it doesn't look bad)
Пробую новые штуки! Спасибо длинным волосам)))

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Moscow - Москва

Эй! Товарищи!!! Кто в Москве? Мне туда надо будет скоро по работе, но я вообще ничего там не знаю и никогда там не была....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Сегодня немного погуляли по городу, а то все работа и работа... Я обожаю сидеть в кафе, пить кофе, вино, чай и просто наслаждаться этим моментом... Ну знаете, еогда просто сам можешь засесть и наблюдать за всем происходящим... Очень любли сидеть на солнце в Hauser и просто отдыхать. Это бар-ресторан в центре Ст Морица - там отличное Pinot Grigio, кофе, дессерты и вообще ВСЕ! Сегодня так и сделала))) А потом еще забрела в шоколадные лавки, потом в магазин за продуктами и до дому...

Пофоторгафировать толклм не получилось, поскольку после работы не было уже солнышка, завтра пойду...

Но тут вот немного картинок)

Merkur - one of the best Chocolaterie's in Switzerland

Hanselmann - one of the oldest Conditorei Hauses in St.Moritz

Again Merkur

Latte Machiatto in Hauser


I need to start to learn how to make proper pictures... I have been given great Canon more than year ago and I still am using it just a bit...addicted by my iPhone, and it is very handy when you are on the slopes, BUT - I guess it is time to start doing good pictures and learn properly how to work with them, because I am MAC user, so iPhoto is very easy and great to use.
I have been studying photography- just a short intro course in Riga Art School...eeerrr...12 years ago!!!

Oh, check out this blog:

This is Kristina, she is phenomenal:))) Lives in Brighton, and occasionally is in Switzerland too - great inspiration for me, Thanks, Kristina:))) I learn a lot from you and it is good to see what is going on in London now.

Ok, I better get back to work now - PPT presentations are waiting for, I am going to Zermatt next week to present our company to some posh Moscow Tour Agency...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Swiss Macaroons


Couldn't sleep last night at all...and was thinking about the summer... I really WANT to plan a lot of activities as I used to travel alot during the summer, usually to USA, last year spent a lot in Italy, now I will have to go to Russia for work and to Germany and hopefully to Italy,Paris and need to pick up from some of my stuff from London and will go visit my parents in Latvia for a month (yaaayyy!!!)... I am not a fan of the country where I am from- that's why I do not live there almost for 5 years now, but I love to come to my parents place and spend my time with family and friends....

Meanwhile - it is bloody snowing here and I am trying not to pay attention to this...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring shopping

Хоть у меня тут в горах и снега полно до сих пор, я закупаюсь вешами на лето;)
Планов громадье, поездок и бизнес трипов будеи много)))

Even if it is till shitloads of snow here, where I live in Switzerland, and people are still skiing in the end of April enjoying the MAGIC St.Moritz and its luxury offers, I am already in summer and am online buying some fresh stuff for summer:))) It's gonna be HOT! I have so many travels planned for wirk and not only, so - these 2 will be very useful)))

Про работу...

Понедельник - день тяжелый... но у меня честно говоря, иногда, вообще нет дней недели в работе, поскольку именно нага индустрия должна работать всегда для наших гостей...

но не важно!
Желаю всем хорошей недели, надеюсь будет интересно)))))))
Я сегодня challenge для себя новый начинаю - потом поделюсь!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Про еду...

Сегодня весь день ем...
Сначала были пироженные с утра, потом мне приготовили пиццу, ф сейчас пойдем блинов пожарим...
Здравствуй, Жора!!!!

Мой бф пиццу сварганил)))

Да потому что Апрель, мать его, а погода ВОН КАКАЯ!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

off to the pistes for a bit today... the rest of the day I was trying to remember how to drive non-automatic car today.. Bless me!!!!!!!!

Hope you are having a good weekend, dudes!!!!)))))))))

Sweet things

This is what I received when I asked my man to get me something sweet)))

Friday, April 20, 2012

Еще одна пара...

Привет еще одной паре в мою коллекцию)))
СК на этот раз - мой ответ Рэй Банам)))

Thursday, April 19, 2012

ВЕСНА (ни смотря ни на что)


19 aprelja - i vot, chto u nas tvoritsa!!!
Da, ja znaju, eto moj pervij polnocennij sezon v Shveicarii, no ja realjno ustala ot snega... hotja otlichno pokatalisj segodna, no hochetsa tjuljpanov i solnca TUT, a ne v Ticino ili Italy, kuda prihodtsa ezditj za nim.

Tomass i Vittorio naslazhdajutsa off-pistom

I navernoe poeotmu ja ne mogu prosnutsa s samogo utra... hozhu kak sonnaja teterja...


Только что получила посылку из Лондона))))

Так прятно получать всякие финди-минди от своих друзей))))

Жанетта, спасибо тебе, дорогуша!!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Real Men and Boys Toys


How are you today???
Все в порядке???

Я только что вернуласть из Италии, где на границе с Швейцарией снимался документальный фильм про bf: про каякинг, высоту, риск, спорт и горы.

So, we just filmed a documentary about Kayaking and about my bf Tomass, who is a professinal athlete and kayaer and is a member of the Adidas Sickline Team - the one and only team of kayakers in the world:)))

I had a good chance to see AMAZING place today in Switzerland/Italy - fantastic scenery!!!

Ok, here are some pics:

ну и я помогала еонечно же)))

Will be out in JUNE 2012 on Swiss/Italian TV but I will provide i-net link here for sure.

Back to work now!!! PPT should be translated to Russian now!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

no subject

Вот есть же такие люди, которые язвят тебе потому, что ты когда-то не разделила симпатию к ним и воспринимаешь их только как друзей!!!

Так какого хрена вы пишите мне е-мейлы, как друзья, а потом ведете себя как отшитые мальчики????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bloody hell!!!

Happy Monday everyone! We are over it!:))))))

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Modeling ))) нашла

чистила комп и нагла фотку со времен модельных деятельностей в Англии... это на телефон даже кажется было снято, когда готовили вамп сьемку в Декабре 2 года назад...

М тут еще немного фэшна))))

Эти в Риге были сделаны....

Лондон в прошлом году...

Хоть будет на что лет через 30 посмотреть)))))))

Pu Erh Tea

Drinking Pu Erh Tea now... did you try it?

I have been drinking it for the last 10 years I guess, when I discovered that I had some food allergy, this tea was such a cure. Speeds up your metabolism, helps with the digestion and can be very tasty sometimes))

There are thousands of different kinds of Pu Erh, I love the one with cranberries and with lemon.Here is some info:

Pu'er, Pu-erh, Puer, also Po Lei or Bolay is a variety of post-fermented tea produced in Yunnan Post-fermentation is a tea production style in which the tea leaves undergo a microbial fermentation process after they are dried and rolled. This is a Chinese specialty and is sometimes referred to as dark tea. There are a few different provinces, each with a few regions, producing dark teas of different varieties. Those produced in Yunnan are generally named Pu'er, referring to the name of Pu'er county which used to be a trading post for dark tea during imperial China. province, China.

Спасибо Леше, моему другу из Риги, который передал этот чай мне как-то))))
Воняет правдв зараза этот напитоК, но ничего, я знаю насколько он полезен))))

Friday, April 13, 2012

Шоколадный мусс

Начиталась тут у Вас про еду всего чего, захоиелось сладкого ужасно... Пойду сделаю Mousse au Chocolat себе))) Мой друг в Лондоне, Phillippe, являясь немецким французом научил меня прекрасному рецепту)))

Подробности и фотки попозже!


Having a great glass of Pinot Noir from Sicily - love this region, very fruity, very flavoury and very rich and light at the same time:))))

Moj dorogoj pokinul menja, otpravivshisj v Italy plavatj na lodkah ( on u menja sportsmen, kayaker Adidasa, poeotmu neobhodimo trenirovatsa postojanno)

Segodna podumalosj, 4to zima po 6 mesjacev v godu-eto ne tak uzh i ploho... prosto u nas v St. Moritze sneg idjot i idjot i idjot i mi kataemsa na lizhah:))) love this thing a lot!

Te, kto nachnjot menja chitatj, vi ne udivljajtesj, 4to ja pishu to na odnom, to an drugom jazikah...prosto ja dolgoe vremja prozhila v Anglii i Amerike i seichas zhivu v Shveicarii, i inogda mne prihoditsa odnovremenno dumatj i rabotatj na 3 jazikah, nadjeusj ne budu osuzhdena Vami, tovarishi:)

Tak vot pro weekend... Zhivja v Anglii ja nauchilasj ego planirovatj zaranee ( anglichane voobshe vso vsegda planirujut zaranee, da ne prosto, a realjno, mesjacami zaranee) i a etot weekend poka nikakih planov... vidimo zajmusj vsej etoj zhenskoj fignjoj - nado shkaf perebratj, razobratj make-up case, nu i porabotatj nemnogo tozhe.

Vsem otlichnih vihodnih!!!

Stojat tut u menja, svezhie, hrustjat)))

Weekend plans

Sitting and putting together some document for my company's sponsorship documents, it is bloody snowing again outside the window - COME ON - 13th of April already and we are still deeply covered with snow.

So, the plans for the following weekend would be:

1. Stay at home and ski in St. Moritz with friends, have some nice dinner and wine with them
2. Go to Italy with my bf who is willing to paddle there ( he is a professional kayaker, one of the Adidas Sickline Team athletes)
3. Just do nothing - finally get together all my "girlie" things what I wanted to finish and never had time

... it is snowing outside, time to have some lunch now. My man is cooking)))))

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Italy, uniform and great lunch

I had to go to Italy today, together with my boss... we had to choose and consider the new uniforms for our skiing school for the next couple of seasons (I am Marketing manager of the ski school in St.Moritz, Switzerland).
So, we left the house around 6 am, made it to Bolzano, had an amazing meeting in one of the showrooms in Italy and fingers crossed everything will be as we want it to be in the end.

I did try on a lot of different garmets; found skis with Putin and Medvedev and finalized the unform combination for our instructors...

Then we poped in to one weird Italian-Austrian restaurant, but food was fantastic there, they even had Beeramisu- with beer. Oh, and beer itself was great!!!

Putin on your skis! anyone?

Or Medvedev?

Great stuff!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The beauty of Swiss Alps

Woke up yesterday, after great party with my colleagues... phonecall from my boss: Can you please go and take a part ( be a model:)) in the documentary what our Swiss/Italian friend Vito is doing at the moment on the slopes?
So, I jumped into my skiing boots and went up to the Corviglia mountain ( in the city centre of St.Moritz)

Apparently, my friend Vito, who is a producer and cameraman from Lugano, was making a documentary about one of the greatest and oldest ski instructors in the whole Engadine region. And he needed someone who could be his "pupil" on the slope - so I had to follow him, listen to his advices- basically it was a real skiing lesson with great person, who is worshiping skiing and who dedicated all his life to the skiing and Mountains.

After that we went to one of the best restaurants on the slopes to celebrate the project:) Hopefully, we will see it soon on Swiss TV! So: my modeling career is not over yet...  I thought it was, as after England I did not do any shots or any videos here, but taaaddddddaaaaaaaah - and here we are again:)

Have horrible back pain today though... Have to recover as I have to go to Italy tomorrow, to meet our uniform partner VIST there in order to speak about next year and our further collaboration.

Here are some picks from yesterday)

Here he is- Fridli who is 82 and who is still teaching people to ski in order to enjoy this fantastic sport

Vito had to follow us on a quite fast speed going down the slopes with all his camera, cables, headphones and lots of other things)

And here is my boss - Vittorio, our friend Vito and my bf Tomass - skiing for ourselves enjoying the great day and end of the season on the Corvatsch mountain